Does sparkling water cause cavities?


Does sparkling water cause cavities?

By Shelton Dental Excellence
Posted On January 13, 2022

Sparkling water is carbonated. Anything with carbonation has an increased acidity. Acidity can erode the enamel which is the layer that protects your tooth. If enamel is weakened, the tooth is more prone to cavity.

The good news is that if there is no sugar present then cavity risk decreases. According to some research, carbonation by itself is not harmful to the teeth*. Even though sparkling water is slightly more acidic than regular water, it is ok to drink.

Here are some ways to keep your mouth health:

Decrease sugary drinks. If you do drink beverages with sugar, make sure you can rinse out with water or brush your teeth if possible.

Be mindful about drinking sparkling water with citrus flavor. The more acidic the beverages, the more likely your enamel will be damaged.

If you need to drink sparkling citrus water or sugary drinks, it is best to drink it with a meal in one sitting. Sipping for prolonged period of time will increase your cavities risks.

If you are a regular sparkling/sugary beverage drinker, it is best to get a dental checkup regularly. We at Shelton Dental Excellence would love to help you keep your teeth longer! Give us a call today at 360-426-4712.


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